Monday, May 9, 2011

My fresh start

In 2006 I made a trip to Denver after moving to Seattle.  When I returned I realized that I had enough with my weight and decided to get healthy and lose weight.  I threw out all my bad habits and started on my weight loss journey.  I worked my ass off, literally and figuratively and over the course of 2 years I dropped 100lbs (Graduated college weighing 250, when I started my journey for real I was at 236).  Since then there have been a lot of life changes that in turn made me forget about myself for a bit and gain weight again (not all of it back, thankfully!!!) .  So I decided to start this blog to get myself on track and hopefully if I have any followers they will help keep me on track.
So I am going to share information such as pictures, weight, measurements, work outs, and food journals to help get myself back on the healthy track.  It's time to lose the muffin top again and FOR GOOD!!!  I will totally expose my journey to help myself stay on track.
I hope to be able to have daily (or almost daily) Muffin Top Reports. Hope to bring some humor into this to keep myself and others interested!


  1. Crazy brave Girl! I'm back on the WW and going to the gym and on this particular evening all I can think about is Pastrami on Rye. Luckily I made up this rule that I can not eat after 9pm so it is too late to be indulgent- I'll have to dream about sandwiches and see if that works. Apparently making up random rules for my own good is working fairly well- I'm the parent and my appetite is the child in my care.

  2. You can do it! Maybe your blog will motivate me to lose weight. I have been thinking about joining weight watchers, and using my groupon for kickboxing classes, but so far I haven't taken action!

  3. Love it! And love you - you're strength is immeasurable. You know I'll be following :)

  4. You are one strong gal! I'm on board! Miss you lots:)

  5. All right, cuz.... I'm waiting for some pictures!!

  6. You go girl!! I will be working out with you!
